
National Hairston Clan Inc. History The National Hairston Clan, Inc. was founded in 1973 by Collie L. Hairston, Sr. and Squire Hairston with the help of Verdeen Hairston, Clarence Hairston, Sr. and John W. Hairston, Jr. The idea originated from the Hairston Family Reunion started in 1931 and held on the third Sunday of August at the Rock Hill Baptist Church, Stokes County, North Carolina. Prior to this official founding, many HAIRSTONS tried to get together by holding family dinners for their closest kin.

The NATIONAL HAIRSTON CLAN, INC was created as an attempt to bring about a greater involvement of family solidarity and kinship among surnamed white and black relatives whose origins began in the nine plantations. Also, The National Hairston Clan, Inc. took on a more broad initiative becoming a non-profit organization by providing scholarships to all deserving individuals attending college full-time. It was a common belief among its founders that the road to equality starts with education. 

Progressing slowly through the social and legal barriers of humble beginnings and racial struggles, HAIRSTONS, all, are now beginning to join together in sincere kinship unity and expand their historical, sociological and humanitarian horizons for the good of family, community, country, and GOD.